Camp Hill Presbyterian
ARISE Family Service 8:30 AM
Traditional Service 10:30 AM
Mission and Outreach Programs
Jesus Said, "if you do it to the least of these, you do it to me."
Here is a partial listing of our Mission partners and projects:

Mission At The Eastward (MATE) is a week-long trip for older youth and adults to renovate houses for families in rural Maine.
Downtown Daily Bread (DDB) is a local soup kitchen serving those in our community who are most in need of a nutritious meal. Every Saturday throughout the year, CHPC coordinates 4-5 volunteers to help serve the hungry. Prayerfully consider donating two hours of your time towards fulfilling this mission.
Signup here:
Show up here: Boyd Memorial Building, 234 South St., Harrisburg, PA
Giving to the Ecumenical Food Pantry.
CHPC furnishes volunteers and donations for the Ecumenical Food Pantry located in Messiah Lutheran Church 901 N 6th St. in downtown Harrisburg at the corner of 6th & Forster St on the 4th Thursday of the month. There are 2-time slots available; 9:30-12 and 12:30-2. For information on how you can help, contact Linda Kelley at 717-591-8725.
CHPC is a partner in mission with Christ Lutheran Church in Allison Hill
We serve as property maintenance committee to keep up CLC's building which houses the Holy Spirit Medical Outreach Clinic, a super youth group, and other ministries in the poorest section of Harrisburg.
CHPC is a partner with New Hope Ministries (NHM)
Volunteers are needed for CHPC Partnership with New Hope Ministries CHPC is starting a new partnership in ministry with New Hope Ministries. NHM recently opened their new West Shore Center at 701 Bosler Ave in Lemoyne. It can take as many as 150 volunteers to provide all the programs offered at a NHM center: such as food pantry, crisis assistance programs; stability and workforce development programs; and after school/summer programs for youth.