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Adult Kirk Programs


Kirk Friends & Families

Sundays 9-10am

Church Bible Study

On Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor Nancy offers an ongoing study of Scripture, current issues and events, and Christian spiritual practice, appropriate for adults and youth both new and familiar with church life. Other small groups also congregate for Bible study and fellowship in our open Gathering Place. Welcomers are present to direct visitors.

Kirk Parents and Caretakers

Also on Sunday mornings at 9-10am, parents, guardians, and caretakers of children come together for coffee and conversation in the Gathering Place. There are casual guided discussions based on the Kirk Kids lesson to equip adults with tools for spiritual formation at home.

Young Adult Conventicles

An emerging young adult group gathers infrequently for socializing and fun, prayer and rest, discussion and study. Contact Associate Pastor Stuart at to receive updates and meet other young adults in the congregation.


What's a conventicle? The word "conventicle" just means "gathering" or "assembly." In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says that "where two or three are gathered" for prayer and care and fellowship, "I am there among them." Centuries later, when Scottish Presbyterian churches faced persecution from the English monarchy, the Presbyterians still met, often under the cover of night, in barns, houses, ravines, and open fields to practice their faith. New life comes when we gather on the Spirit's terms, not just because of tradition or habit, and when we tell our old stories in new ways, in new places, to new people.

Parents Group Meeting
People in the Gathering Place
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