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Camp Hill Presbyterian Church

Did you know that those words "do not fear" appear in the Bible 365 times? God knows we need that daily reminder, especially during difficult times. We know and trust that God is with us. We also know and trust that we will remain connected as a church family as best we can in these difficult days. Let us uplift each other in prayer! May the peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and may the blessing God almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, remain with you always. Amen. 

 ~ Pastor Nancy

Isaiah 4:35



PW Holding Annual Christmas Sales

PW’s Quilters & Crafters for Mission group will hold its annual holiday craft sale on two Sundays, Dec. 1 and 8, before and after worship in the Gathering Place. Don’t forget to stop by and purchase beautiful handcrafted gifts that support PW’s mission work! And, mark your calendars for PW’s holiday bake sale, which will be held Sunday, Dec. 15.


Christmas Coffee Set for Next Thursday

The Presbyterian Women’s Christmas Coffee will be held Thursday, Dec. 5, at 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. All women are invited to this festive occasion. 


Pastor Potter Out of Town

Visitation Pastor Don Potter will be out of town through Saturday, Nov. 30. Please email the office or call (717) 737-0488 if you are in need of pastoral care.


Help Our Neighbors in Need This Christmas

Starting Sunday, Nov. 3, help New Hope Ministries supply Christmas gifts to local families in need. Select an ornament from the Gathering Place tree, or look over NHM’s Christmas Wish List, then place your unwrapped gifts under the tree (or drop them off in the church office) by Sunday, Dec. 8. Checks made out to New Hope Ministries or gift cards also are appreciated.


Santa Claus Is Visiting CHPC

CHPC Preschool presents The Santa Experience on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. For $25, a family of four ($5 for each additional person), can enjoy a winter wonderland that includes writing personalized letters to Santa, nibbling on Christmas cookies, making a holiday craft, and taking pictures with the “big guy.” Christmas cookie decorating kits will be available, as will raffle tickets to win one of five fabulous Christmas-themed baskets. Sign up online, or email Dana Tarnoci. Payment must be received by Tuesday, Dec. 10, or your time slot will be forfeited.


A Caroling We Go!

All voices are welcome to join a church-wide Christmas caroling event following

worship on Sunday, Dec. 15. Participants will enjoy a quick lunch at the church, and then we will head off to sing to residents at Messiah Lifeways and Bethany

Village. Please email the church office or call (717) 737-0488 by Tuesday, Dec. 10, if you plan to attend, also indicating if you will need a ride. Directions and meeting location/times will be provided to all drivers. 


Contribute to the Staff Christmas Gift

Staff Commission is asking you to prayerfully consider giving a Christmas gift to our CHPC staff. Please make your contribution by Sunday, Dec. 15, marking checks or online gifts with “Staff Christmas Gift” in the memo line. (Note that staff gifts are not tax-deductible.)


Enjoy Sounds of the Season With Cedar Cliff Singers

Don’t miss the Cedar Cliff High School Chamber Singers’ Christmas performance at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15, in the Sanctuary. The concert will feature organ accompaniment and traditional carol singing, including a candlelight version of “Silent Night.” A reception will be held immediately after the concert in Fellowship Hall.


Donate to Make Christmas Eve Dedications

We are once again offering the opportunity to make a Christmas Dedication. Thought it's too late to buy poinsettias, dedications still can be made via contributions to the Christmas Joy Offering or Advent Decorations Fund by Monday, Dec. 16. Dedications will appear in the bulletin for the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service and in the Dec. 22 edition of "CHPConnections."


Nativity Figurines Needed for Family Christmas Service

If you have non-fragile Nativity scene angels, shepherds, and/or animals that you are willing to lend or give to be used during the Christmas Eve family service, please drop them by the office or give them to Pastor Nancy. For more information, email the office or call (717) 737-0488.

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