The Mission & Values
of Camp Hill Presbyterian Church
Our mission is to be a warm, welcoming faith community. We are called to be an inclusive church, worshiping God together, learning together, growing together, and serving Christ together.
Our Community Life Is Shaped By the Gospel of Grace
To welcome all who want to know more about the Christian faith.
To love, serve, pray for and promote the peace and purity of the church together.
To bear one another's burdens, rejoice in one another’s joys, and to celebrate life in Christ together.
Called To Worship Together As a Family of Faith
​To show our dedication through the worship of the Triune God:
To give God the glory through reverent worship, preaching the gospel, and praising God through music and song.
To celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as powerful signs and seals which impress upon us the grace of the gospel.
To acknowledge and delight in God’s redemptive mercy.
Learning and Growing Together
To seek inspiration, guidance and greater faith through study of the gospel:
To grow in grace and mature in Christ as we teach, learn, and apply the Scriptures.
To strive for diversity and excellence in Christian education for all ages.
Serving Christ Together
To be responsive to God’s call to be of service:
To demonstrate compassion and mercy to all in need.
To build relationships with and serve our neighbors in loving witness to Jesus Christ.
To be a mission church, participating and supporting missions of service and witness near and far.
To partner with other organizations that serve the needs of all, especially the poor and broken.
Core Values of Camp Hill Presbyterian Church
​“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” [Luke 10:27]
Reformed Worship: Camp Hill Presbyterian Church (CHPC) is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Worship is in the protestant tradition. Everyone is invited to focus their heart, soul, strength and mind; in faithful and creative ways, to the Glory of God.
Diversity and Exclusivity: As God has called us to love our neighbors as ourselves; we are called to invite and nurture a diverse and inclusive community of faith.
Growth in Faith: CHPC welcomes and encourages all to grow in faith and discipleship. We welcome all regardless of where they may be on their journey of faith.
A Community of Care: God has loved us and calls us to care for one another. We are called to nurture the body, mind, and spirit of one another as we travel through life’s journey.
A Mission Church: God has called our congregation to reach out in Christian service to our neighbors wherever they may be.
Stewardship: God has called us to be faithful caretakers of the gifts God has provided to us. We are called to use and multiply these gifts to the Glory of God.