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of Camp Hill Presbyterian Church


Ministries of
Formation and Growth

Intergenerational Education and Spiritual Development

Presbyterian Christian formation is the process of being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit. It's a journey of discipleship that involves renewing the mind, heart, body, and soul, and is intended to lead to a life of greater faith, hope, and love.

Caring For and Supporting Others and Ourselves

In Presbyterian discipleship, "caring for others" means actively showing compassion and love to those around us, mirroring Jesus' example by serving others in need, advocating for justice, and prioritizing the well-being of the community, all grounded in the belief that by caring for others, you are essentially serving God; this includes acts like visiting the sick, supporting the homeless, offering hospitality, and working to address systemic issues that cause suffering.

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Ministries of

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Ministries of
Service Nearby and
Far Away

CHPC Is a Mission Church, Seeking Ways To Be of Service

Serving others as disciples means actively following Jesus' example by using our time, talents, and resources to help those in need, reflecting the core belief that being a true disciple of Christ involves actively putting your faith into action through acts of service and compassion, just as Jesus did.

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