Camp Hill Presbyterian
ARISE Family Service 8:30 AM
Traditional Service 10:30 AM
Your Giving Can Help Support M. A. T. E.
Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
MATE is the summer mission trip to Farmington, Maine that CHPC has been participating in for years.
The mission of Mission at the Eastward is to “love our neighbors” through volunteer home repairs and youth outreach to create lives of hope, security, and dignity in Central Western Maine. In 2023, MATE completed 45 projects. Over 70 applications for home repairs have been received for MATE 2024.
You can support of MATE by becoming a MATE sponsor. Your financial support helps us to continue this particularly important mission ministry. The success of this ministry during these challenging times means more now than ever before.
You can make a donation to support MATE on the DONATE page. Just write "MATE" on the memo line. Your giving is very much appreciated and helps CHPC to serve others both nearby and far away.
​​​To learn more about Mission at the Eastward please visit