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The 21st Sunday After Pentecost
All are welcome to join in worship and share the warmth of faith and fellowship in the Camp Hill PA sanctuary or online from wherever you may be, CHPC is a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith, worshiping and serving in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond.
ARISE! Family Worship Service
ARISE is a service designed to be accessible for young families and young adults, with contemporary and contemplative elements. We share conversation and laughter, reflection and prayer, and coffee and donuts. All are invited to come with our families and dive into the tough questions of faith and life, make space for rest and lament, and find our place in a family much larger. For more information about ARISE, contact the church office.
Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering
The theme is “Harvest Gratitude.” A light barbecue lunch will be followed by a guest speaker discussing the construction of “tiny homes” for homeless veterans. Both women and men are invited to join us for this event. Tickets, which are available for a $2 donation, will be sold before and after the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
The 20th Sunday After Pentecost
All are invited to join together for "First Sunday" worship and share in the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion. All are welcome at the Lord's table. Come share the warmth of faith and fellowship in the Camp Hill PA sanctuary or online from wherever you may be, CHPC is a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith, worshiping and serving in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond.
The 19th Sunday After Pentecost
All are welcome to join in worship and share the warmth of faith and fellowship in the Camp Hill PA sanctuary or online from wherever you may be, CHPC is a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith, worshiping and serving in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond.
ARISE! Family Worship Service
ARISE is a service designed to be accessible for young families and young adults, with contemporary and contemplative elements. We share conversation and laughter, reflection and prayer, and coffee and donuts. All are invited to come with our families and dive into the tough questions of faith and life, make space for rest and lament, and find our place in a family much larger. For more information about ARISE, contact the church office.
The 18th Sunday After Pentecost
All are welcome to join in worship and share the warmth of faith and fellowship in the Camp Hill PA sanctuary or online from wherever you may be, CHPC is a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith, worshiping and serving in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond.
ARISE! Family Worship Service
ARISE is a service designed to be accessible for young families and young adults, with contemporary and contemplative elements. We share conversation and laughter, reflection and prayer, and coffee and donuts. All are invited to come with our families and dive into the tough questions of faith and life, make space for rest and lament, and find our place in a family much larger. For more information, contact the church office.
The 17th Sunday After Pentecost
All are welcome to join in worship and share the warmth of faith and fellowship in the Camp Hill PA sanctuary or online from wherever you may be, CHPC is a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith, worshiping and serving in the Susquehanna Valley and beyond.
ARISE! Family Worship Service
ARISE is a service designed to be accessible for young families and young adults, with contemporary and contemplative elements. We share conversation and laughter, reflection and prayer, and coffee and donuts. All are invited to come with our families and dive into the tough questions of faith and life, make space for rest and lament, and find our place in a family much larger. For more information, contact the church office.
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